Sunday, February 21, 2010

Illegal Dumps Scar Remote Public Land

Household Sprays Article:

Creating public awareness would be a great way to start the prevention of illegal dumping. Even though people should already have the knowledge of the consequences and hazards of dumping, reintroducing the knowledge might be a good start.

Officials should research the cause of people illegally dumping. Why do they do it? If the answers are relatively the same, perhaps officials should consider attacking the problem by their motives for doing it. Do these states have free dumpsites for the public that is included in the taxes for those areas? Do they have amnesty days for bringing trash to a location? Or do you have to pay to pick up trash? In Sarasota, I would believe that we have less of a problem now that there is free trash pick up.

Valuable Land Is Safe. Now What?

Valuable Land Safe Article:

Why buy land if there is no plan in place to operate the park? Sounds like the county is stalling to make this place functional for the public. Are there no funds or staff available? Could grants or other financial resources be gained to create progress?

Manatee Eyes Larger Robinson Preserve

Manatee Wants Larger Preserve Article:

The Robinson’s are probably more motivated by making a sale on the land more than they are environmentalist. With no one buying new construction, the Robinson’s can’t make a profit in real estate, so selling the land to the County will give them the financial gain they might need. Environmentally, this situation could work out to the county and public's’ benefit, if the county could find the money to purchase it. Turning the property into a preserve will create more habitats for plants and animals plus a natural recreation area for people.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Slow Trip Across Sea Aids Profit and Environment

Slow Ships Aid Environment Article:

The shipping issue has much broader implication then what is mentioned in the article. Many American companies have outsourced their manufacturing to other countries where manufacturing costs are cheaper. This equates to more shipping to send the products back to the United States for sale, creating more greenhouse gases in the shipping process. By slowing down the shipping process it will help to offset the greenhouse gas emissions. Why create more greenhouse gas to ship products faster if they are to sit in a warehouse, awaiting sale? The idea of moving factories closer to where the products will be sold will create a more stable world economy and decrease the greenhouse gas of all the fossil fuels used in shipping.

Gas Powers Most Of Government's Flex-fuel Vehicles

Gas Powers Gov. Vehicles Article:

While in theory the idea was sound, but it was poorly conceived, planned and executed. It resulted in higher costs, less fuel efficiency, and more greenhouse gases. When congress mandates these types of laws, apparently they need to also mandate the steps necessary to implement the laws. What has happen to common sense? It’s like giving someone a bicycle without the wheels. It’s wasteful and useless without its ‘fuel’ being readily available. To fix the situation, more time and money will need to be spent which will undoubtedly be tax-payers dollars.

Good Chemistry For Some Household Sprays

Household Sprays Article:

Why do some companies seem resistant to changing their chemical formulas so they are healthier for both the environment as well as the households? This movement toward more environmentally friendly cleaning products has been too long in coming. I believe the government should be encouraging this movement with tax incentives. Consumers need to be open conscious of the decisions they make when purchasing cleaning products and try to choose ones that are not only effective but safe for the environment as well.

Venice May Cut Trash Pickups To Once A Week

Venice to Cut Trash Pickup Article:

Cutting the number of times trash is picked up weekly might help the residents consider the amount of their consumption. Where I live we only have once a week pick up, and we are a family of four. If consumers are concerned, such as in Manatee County like the article states, with their trash over flowing from the reduced number of pick ups, then they should probably take a good look at how much they consume and find a way to decrease their amount of waste. Doing so would be a great contribution to the environment and ecosystem.

The cut back on the truck usage would also decrease their amount of greenhouse emissions and would have a positive effect on the environment as well.