Saturday, February 13, 2010

Save The Views Or Restore The Bays?

Spoil Island Article:

It really is shocking that people are willing to give things up as long as it doesn’t affect them, especially with all the talk of going green and protecting the environment. It, therefore, is extremely disappointing to hear that the more privileged of Sarasota County isn’t willing to participate when it comes down to something as simple as a temporary altering of their scenic view.

In a small section the article discusses the governments fear to move forward with the project because the rising oppositions. From what I gather the only one’s opposing are the island partiers and the wealthy homeowners. And since the saying “Money is power,” seems to be the ultimate case there will always be attempts to postponing for fear of loosing their precious view, which is actually public property. Perhaps the government should put their foot down so Sarasota County’s environments can be taken care of the way they need to be. Postponing will only allow the problems to escalate, needing more future funding. Since the islands are public property the homeowners shouldn’t have a final decision in the matter. If the government was concerned enough about protecting Sarasota’s environment it would be taken care of, regardless of whose opinions try to defer their productivity.

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