Sunday, February 14, 2010

Wildlife Safety Issue May Raise Glades Cost

Glades Wildlife Safety Article:

If the point in building the reservoir is to save the Everglades whether or not the animals survive, is pointless. The animals make up the Everglades as well. You can’t say you are saving the Everglades if the animals aren’t apart of the plan. What’s the point in saving them then? That might only kill of the Everglades faster. Everything is interconnected. If humans continue to assist Mother Nature (possibly for mans screw ups), then making the reservoirs as nature as possible is the best thing to do. What’s the point of wetlands if there are no animals to live in them? For the people that want to move ahead with the project to save nature, without the including the animals, then they are in the wrong business. Perhaps, these people are more financially motivated. In that's case, they should find another way to be productive, while leaving the productive ‘saving’ to people who understand the cycle of life, land and animals included.

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